The decisions you make can change your life, for a lifetime.
— The Family Workshop


  • Courses & Classes

    Courses and classes requested or not by the Court or by the Probation Department.

    *Families in control

    *Drugs and Alcohol


    *Property Damage

    *Aggressive Offender

    If you want us to give courses or Support talks in your School, Company or Church. Contact us.

  • Information & Education

    Classes and support talks to avoid:

    *Child Abuse

    *Use and abuse of toxic substances

    *Teen pregnancy

  • Volunteers and Charity Activities

    We appreciate your support whatever it may be. You can participate with us in the following activities:

    -If you are a student and want to get experience offering talks according to the topics and services we offer.

    -Supporting us in the operation of our courses, talks and various charity events

    -Ordering and delivering donations in kind such as:


    *Clothes and Blankets.

    *Articles of personal care and hygiene.